Introducing Box: The Place To Go For All Your Boiler And Appliances

There’s an appliance in every home that’s as vital to everyday life as it is unlikely to catch anyone’s eye on the street. That appliance is the boiler, and whether it heats your water or your home, it’s essential for functioning in a civilized society.

1. Boiler

So you know all about it, but do you really understand how important a boiler is to your home? We all take the hot water it provides for granted on a daily basis, but there are plenty of hidden features that we may not be aware of.

Features like underfloor heating and wall radiators are both possible due to the build quality and design of boilers. These features are both designed to make sure that your home is as comfortable as possible in cold months and to reduce the cost of heating in warm months.

2. Air Conditioning

So, you’ve got a boiler that can keep your home warm, but it can’t cool it at the same time. Well, now you don’t have to – there are a number of technologies available for adding air conditioning to your home all year round.

3. Electric vehicle chargers

Are you in need of an electric vehicle charger? Or do you wish to charge up your EVs anywhere, anytime? Well, here at Box we’ve got all the information you need to find the best charger for you.

From the cheapest e-car chargers available to more complex ones that can provide power for multiple cars in one location. We’ve even got an array of portable chargers if you’re away from home and are looking for an alternative way to charge up.